Tibetan Terrier / Poodle (Miniature) / Mixed (medium coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Small Learn more about the Tibetan Terrier.
Sacramento- Birdie is what breed? We have no idea. Some people look at her and think doodle (but she sheds) others think she behaves like a tibetian terrier and we have no idea. We know she is super cute, but if you expect a naturally perfect dog, this is not her. She was extremely nervous with people (almost semi-feral) but she is on Prozac now and she is much more at ease with people now. She is a bit nervous with men as well. I would expect anyone who adopts her would expect to keep her on a leash 24/7 in the beginning, hand feeding, and not having high expectation right away that she will love you. She will love you, but she needs time and a safe space to do this. This means positive-only training. Also, because her nervousness, small children will not be considered, and frankly anyone who has an active social life likely would not be a good fit for her. When we got her from the shelter, we knew she was shy but most dogs get over quickly- that has not been the case for her but the Prozac has made her a much more normal dog (luckily it is cheap). She is smart and would benefit from someone who wants to work with her and use her energy up. She is spayed, microchipped, up to date on vaccines and ready for a home of her own. You can find our process and apply online at: http://recycledpetsnorcal.org/adoptpet/ More about BirdieGood with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Leashtrained, Affectionate, Eager To Please All our animals are spayed/neutered, microchipped, and up to date on vaccines. You can find out more about our adoption process at: http://recycledpetsnorcal.org/adoption-process/ |